So in this post i thought of explaining you about one of the major techniques of getting pageranks ---- "INTERNAL LINK BUILDING" .This is the easiest way to get pageranks as far as i know . Because there is no need for us to ask our fellow bloggers for link exchanges and then regularly check his blog if he has kept our blog link or not . This is a great headache . But as far as "internal link building" is concerned , its your webpages that are going to get you at the top of search engines .
Let us consider a website consisting of three pages A , B AND C , each having a pagerank of 1. [ shown below ] . Now iam going to increase the pageranks by using "INTERNAL LINK BUILDING TECHNIQUES" .Let me show you how :

CASE 1 :

In case 1 , pageA links to page B but page B is not linking to any other page .now these links are called as "dangling links " and are not of any use in building pageranks because the search engine neglects these links while calculating pr . so never ever try this sort of "internal link building" .

CASE 3 :

CASE 4 :

page A is pointed by page B and page C.
page B is pointed only by page A
page C is pointed only by page A.
Hence the page rank for A is higher compared to the other pages .Moreover the pages B and C get equal page ranks as they are pointed only by one link [ page A] .
And by the way here is the formula for calculating pagerank :
PR(A) = (1-d) + d (PR(T1)/C(T1) + … + PR(Tn)/C(Tn)) ;PR= PageRank ; d= dampening factor (~0.85) ; c = number of links on the page ; PR(T1)/C(T1) = PageRank of page 1 divided by the total number of links on page 1, (transferred PageRank) .
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