Monday, April 20, 2009

Internal Link building - Best way to increase your pagerank

Its really hard for the beginners to know exactly what page rank is all about .There are several posts in this blog explaining about the pagerank concept.Or you may also do a search in wiki which is going to display you a webpage that will definitely tend you to hate seo .

So in this post i thought of explaining you about one of the major techniques of getting pageranks ---- "INTERNAL LINK BUILDING" .This is the easiest way to get pageranks as far as i know . Because there is no need for us to ask our fellow bloggers for link exchanges and then regularly check his blog if he has kept our blog link or not . This is a great headache . But as far as "internal link building" is concerned , its your webpages that are going to get you at the top of search engines .


Let us consider a website consisting of three pages A , B AND C , each having a pagerank of 1. [ shown below ] . Now iam going to increase the pageranks by using "INTERNAL LINK BUILDING TECHNIQUES" .Let me show you how :

CASE 1 :

In case 1 , pageA links to page B but page B is not linking to any other page .now these links are called as "dangling links " and are not of any use in building pageranks because the search engine neglects these links while calculating pr . so never ever try this sort of "internal link building" .


This is the best way of linking the webpages of our blog or website .By this way each page will get equal and maximum page rank [ I have not explained the mathematics involved here but will probably do them in my upcoming posts ] .

CASE 3 :

This is another way of link building . Since only the page A has the link of page C and the page B does not contain the link of page C , the page rank gets reduced for page C but the pagerank remains good for pages A and B .This way of linking is much better than CASE 1 .

CASE 4 :
In case 4 , we could see that :

page A is pointed by page B and page C.

page B is pointed only by page A

page C is pointed only by page A.

Hence the page rank for A is higher compared to the other pages .Moreover the pages B and C get equal page ranks as they are pointed only by one link [ page A] .

And by the way here is the formula for calculating pagerank :

PR(A) = (1-d) + d (PR(T1)/C(T1) + … + PR(Tn)/C(Tn)) ;PR= PageRank ; d= dampening factor (~0.85) ; c = number of links on the page ; PR(T1)/C(T1) = PageRank of page 1 divided by the total number of links on page 1, (transferred PageRank) .

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